Modern agriculture has evolved quickly in the last few decades, with new and better machines and techniques improving productivity, efficiency, and more. One of the most vital pieces of equipment now is a seeder, but finding the right one can be a pain. We here at PrairieLand Partners want to help you get your operation running faster and more smoothly, so we’ve put together some tips for buying a seeder below. To learn more, or to see the seeders we have for sale, contact our stores throughout the great state of Kansas, today!

The Seed Type

First, consider exactly what crops you’re planting and what their seeds look like. Some seeders are built to accommodate multiple types and sizes of seed while others are specialized for one seed size in particular. If you plan on seeding numerous crops with a single machine, you’ll want one that can accommodate them. For instance, if a seed’s size and shape prevents it from flowing through the seeder easily, a pelleted option might help improve accuracy and efficiency. 

You’ll also want to consider the width of your beds and the space needed between each seed. Some seeders are adjustable, which helps, but they can cost extra.

Plot Size

Next, think about the amount of land you’ll be covering. A home garden will do fine with a hand-held option while greenhouses may need a larger four- or six-row seeder, though the latter will require some soil preparation. Six-row options can even be adjusted. 

If you’re going to be handling a larger plot, you’ll likely need a tow-behind seeder that can hook up to a tractor. Consider the tractors you have available and their own limitations and factor that into your search.


Like any machine, most seeders will require regular maintenance to function properly. If you aren’t comfortable with complex adjustments or repairs, you’ll want to look for a seeder that’s simpler and more streamlined. That will help minimize its maintenance requirements. 

You should, at the very least, clean out the seeder after any usage. Seeds can rot if there’s enough moisture and that can attract pests or even corrode the machine itself. You should also look over the seeder before each and every use to ensure you didn’t miss anything last time, as well as that it’s clean and pest- and debris-free. Check the internal machinery and wheels to ensure there’s no debris clogging up areas it shouldn’t.

We hope these tips help you get exactly the seeder you need! For more information, or to see the seeders we have for sale, contact us at PrairieLand Partners. We proudly serve the people of the great state of Kansas—let us serve you today!