Deciding to finance new equipment is no joke and you might be wondering whether or not now is the right time to invest in brand new equipment. John Deere offers comprehensive financing for established and beginning farmers alike. PrairieLand Partners strives to be a leading resource for our customers, so our team has put together a guide to John Deere® financing. We would love to discuss the options more with you at any of our Kansas locations!

Why Finance With John Deere?

The big difference that the John Deere financing option provides is knowledge backed by people who know agriculture. Financing farm machinery is a very large investment and should be treated as such, so working with a source directly tied to the industry might be a big deciding factor for you. 

Also, John Deere Financial offers different packages based on your exact needs. They can help you determine what would be the best choice depending on your current situation. Plus, they know the equipment!

What Are Their Options?

John Deere Financial offers an installment loan, lease plan or multi-use account. You can work directly with an authorized dealer to apply for their financing and manage your payments and account online in one place. 

Installment Loans 

Installment loans allow you to package your purchase into one loan. This can include equipment, implements, technology, and warranties. One perk of this option is it can improve cash flow by utilizing fixed or variable rates and a flexible payment structure. 


Choosing to lease makes using newer equipment and technology more accessible with often lower up-front expenses and payments. You are paying for the use of the equipment rather than the full ownership cost. This option can help you keep more cash reserves to use for your operation or other equipment expenses. 

If you choose to lease, you can typically expect to pay one annual advance payment. You will be able to use the equipment as needed and then return it to the dealership when you’re ready to. 

Multi-Use Account

The multi-use account option is great to use if you anticipate frequent purchase of parts, service, inspections, technology and other dealership purchases. It can help save money and improve cash flow with flexible payment plans. This option allows more financing of crop inputs and supplies on your account with the option to complete payment after harvest. These accounts are accepted at over 9,000 agribusiness locations for access to low-rate financing through your local ag providers. 

As an authorized John Deere dealer, PrairieLand Partners is able to answer any questions you may have about financing options available to you through John Deere Financial. If you’re ready to browse our inventory or speak with us, we’d love for you to visit any of our Kansas locations!